There was a dip of cold weather the other day and I grabbed my white Clapotis out of the closet before going outside. I was thinking how cool the pattern was. No matter how many hours you've spent staring at a Clapotis, it's always cool. I may be knitting again soon.
My recent obsession has been Spanish. Como esta? I went to the bookstore yesterday and bought a book, plus a dictionary. The dictionary was only $2.50 - which was an unexpected bargain! Que cosa! I took a year of Spanish in high school, still remember some of it, but that was a long time ago. The last couple of weeks I've been watching this little 'learn Spanish' educational program on TV, it's kind of like a soap opera where everyone speaks slowly and in short phrases... lol.... I'm really enjoying it. (and not just for the Spanish ... will Rachel return to Arturo? Will she solve the mystery of Fernando's relatives? l ol)