Friday, December 16, 2005

Snowflake Afghan

While following snowflake links around the 'net I came across this beautiful pattern: Snowflake Afghan. I made one of the motifs yesterday to see how it looked and if the pattern was easy to decipher and something you could memorize.... and I like it. It's a really unique and pretty design.

I just made this as a swatch out of stash yarn, of course I'd use a dark blue for the background, and I think the white I used was sport instead of worsted (which actually came out kind of nice... hmmm) but anyway, it shows the general idea. The pattern was easy enough to follow (although wherever it says "repeat 4 times", it's actually 5 times).... the white part takes some concentration but is interesting, the blue part is straightforward bordering, so maybe that would be a nice change in pace back and forth. I'm trying to think if I could/would honestly do enough of these for an afghan. I've made three full-sized afghans before so I know it IS possible. And I did say yesterday that I wanted a Project.

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