Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Blogiversary of Squirrel's Worlds!

Wow, it's been a year since I started this blog. I'm so glad I decided to try it, it's been so much fun, and it's made crafting even more fun than it already was. Much gratitude to anyone who's come by to visit, and of course those who've left comments and made my day brighter. :)


Leah said...

Happy blogiversary!! I'm glad to have run across your little neck of the blogsphere!

I love your crocheted squirrel!! Too cute!

I also LOVE Ron! He looks fantastic! The sweater, the color! I like that you did the cuffs to make it look more like a sweater! Nicely done!

Oh & my search skills aren't all that! ;) I just looked at wikipedia & they had the answer!!

Horse Power said...

Thank you so much, Leah! :D
Luna's next on the bear list, I think. I know in the book she's blonde, but I always thought of her as having white hair for some reason, (and hey, I've got white yarn....)
Oh, and I found the squirrel pattern here, btw:

SylvChezPlum said...

belated happy blogiversary !! your squirrel is so cute !!

Horse Power said...

Thank you Sylv! :)