I finished five cat blankets and took them to the shelter this morning. It's kind of funny, because I had several blankets going at once they all somehow came to have names, they are: Cream Pie, Bit of Lace, Flower, the Meditation Mat, and the Sea Anemone.
The first three are crocheted with this fantastic pattern I found on the net: HERE
and the other two are knitted. (well, the sea anemone has a crocheted border because the k2p2 ribbing turned out narrower than I expected. That made it all ruffly, hence the name.)
They're all about 12 x 14 inches, but the next ones I do will be made to fit a cat carrier, since that is what the lady there mentioned they would use them for.
I don't know why I didn't start doing this sooner - I'm sometimes so intimidated by trying new things, but now I've done it and I just want to make stacks and stacks of cat blankets.
This is the same shelter, by the way, where I adopted my dear sweet wonderful dog three years ago. *pauses typing to go kiss dog*
Be kind to the animals!

It's really great that you made all those blankets for the animal shelter. I'm inspired.
Hi Amber! Thanks for such a nice comment! I've got links in my sidebar to the Snuggles and Critter Knitter sites (under "Things I'm Making") which have more info on how to make cat blankets .... plus there's a KnitALong over on Craftster.
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